CBM High School Mumbai

C. B. M. High School started its journey 40 years back with the goal of providing high quality education for all. The school has been on a continuous aim to achieve a holistic development by imparting knowledge in the young minds. With the goal of enhancing the life of the 21st century student, the school equips teachers with the new teaching tools in order to implement contemporary teaching techniques. The school emphasizes on imparting an education to children, focusing not only on academic skills, but also encouraging them to develop a good character, sound values and a confident personality.
Focusing on the methods of Effective learning and joyful learning, Asian College of Teachers (ACT) conducted an innovative workshop with C.B.M High School on 24th March 2018.
The workshop enabled and teachers to get a crisp and precise overview of effective teaching integrated with joyful learning, presenting and highlighting the Four stages Of Cognitive Development Of Jean Piaget which works upon the techniques of educating and developing children. This theory consists of child development strategies - Sensory Motor (0-2 years), Pre-Operational Stage (2-7 years), Concrete Stage (7-11 years), Formal Operational (11 - Adulthood). Apart from this, the workshop also enabled teachers to focus on enhancing the child through effective interactive learning and involving the children in learning methods that gives joy to their developing minds.