Aliya Atika
Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
yes, Hi5 Sen care center
Malaysia, Selangor
Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
yes, Hi5 Sen care center
Malaysia, Selangor
It was a good experience and I did not have a problem with understanding the module and assignment given

Heenal Ranka
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
India Tamil Nadu
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
India Tamil Nadu
I loved the knowledge and lessons plan you made , and the assignments given really helped a lot , but I suggest and wanted a few more Live sessions with the teachers , so that we understand it more properly , but definitely this helped me a lot and I hope I am also able to help the people out there who is in need of help and guidance and support , thank you for to this institution, and if you could help me with placing at shools in chennai ! It would be really helpful ! Thank you

Aying Wangsha
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
I worked as the Principal of a School till 2022, but now I work with Nagaland State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
India & Mon Town, Nagaland
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
I worked as the Principal of a School till 2022, but now I work with Nagaland State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
India & Mon Town, Nagaland
Thank you for providing online courses for working people like me & also thank you for providing the best services to cater to the needs & queries of the trainees.

Adrian shaw
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
The British School in Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
The British School in Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
I found the course very insightful and helped in my day to day dealings with my student. It has also left me wanting to undertake more courses to increase my understanding.

Certificate in in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
I come with an educational experience of heading a pre-prImary kindergarten school for about 14 years..currently on a sabbatical...pursuing courses on special education.
Certificate in in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
I come with an educational experience of heading a pre-prImary kindergarten school for about 14 years..currently on a sabbatical...pursuing courses on special education.
It has been a fairly good and enriching experience overall...an eye opener for me to understand the needs and requirements of children with learning disabilities, or ADHD or be it Autism. Even the webinars conducted twice during this period were quite entertaining and kept us all involved in the sessions.

Sruthi Sajin
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Yes Aura Edify Global School, Kerala
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Yes Aura Edify Global School, Kerala
I joined this course with very little knowledge about the special kids, but I can say proudly that I can help/bring up special kids in a way they want.

Hema Latha Visualingam
Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Home Tutor
Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Home Tutor
The course enables me to understand special needs students in depth. The content of the course enables me to provide specialized support and alternate learning methods that can make the students feel valued, to reach high levels and reach their full potential.
Karma Sonam Dorji
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Trainer. Phensem Parents Support Group, Bhutan (Non-profit Organization), Thimphu-Bhutan
Bhutan - Thimphu
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Trainer. Phensem Parents Support Group, Bhutan (Non-profit Organization), Thimphu-Bhutan
Bhutan - Thimphu
It was a wonderful experience. There were many areas which I found interesting and new for me which I found quite interesting to learn. Some of the areas are already highlighted in my above feedback. The duration was also just right. However, given my work and other responsibilities I had to rush through couple of my assignments towards the end. I am sure if I had divided my time equally I would have got much better grades. But, I am very pleased with myself to have completed all the assignments on time and also enjoyed learning more about Autism which is a topic of interest to me and close to my heart. I am sure with the knowledge I have gained through this course, I can help many parents who have children on the Spectrum and teachers who work with children with Autism here in my country. In addition, I am in a better position to help my own son.

Anupama B.P
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes I'm working as special educator in Askara Abhyas . Bolrum alwal secunderabad
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes I'm working as special educator in Askara Abhyas . Bolrum alwal secunderabad
The Autism Course is excellent. Asian college of teachers online mode is useful for working teacher's. I learnt many things in the course. The study material is very useful for us. Assignment submission process is very nice . The coordinator madam is a great (Bidisha). In course lessons plan and micro teaching is very useful for us, the study material was easy to understand the autism course like cause and prevention and recovery and how deal and teach the autism children, overall experience with study material and offline course, Assignments and support from coordinator was really Good.

Tshering Dema
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Losel Gyatsho Academy
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Losel Gyatsho Academy
It was a good learning journey. It's my first time taking an online course and I enjoyed exploring the contents.

Anupama B.P
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes im working as special educator in Akshara Abhyas special school in secunderabad bolarum
India secunderabad
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes im working as special educator in Akshara Abhyas special school in secunderabad bolarum
India secunderabad
I have completed this course in online mode. It is useful for working teacher's. I learnt many things from the course. The study material is very useful for us. Assignment submission process is very nice. In the Assignment process rework. It helps to do assignments again. So that improves. The course is excellent. The Coordinator Bidisha madam has helped me a lot. Thank you madam.

Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes, utage child development centre in Hyderabad
India, Hyderabad
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes, utage child development centre in Hyderabad
India, Hyderabad
I have great experience with ACT, all information is very clear and in a friendly manner and I learned so much knowledge through ACT.