Asian College of Teachers Alumni

Namrata Satra
Certificate in in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Not yet, looking for opportunities.
India, Mumbai
My overall journey has been an exciting one! It not only pushed me to do better but gave me the confidence to work with special needs students in an inclusive classroom.

Shabnam Musafer
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
United Arab Emirates, Ajman
It was very knowledgeable and useful with the course. Could learn about inclusive education as well as the importance of early identification and different strategies to use in teaching

Reshmi Kelath
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Working as a freelancer
UAE, Dubai
Appreciate Ms.Bidisha who helped me a lot throughout this course. It was a very good learning experience. It has really helped to have a better understanding about special needs and learning disabilities. I would like to implement this in my workspace.Once again, thanking Asian College for this wonderful opportunity. Definitely will recommend.

shweta julka
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
India, Faridabad, Haryana
The course had immense information about ADHD and with case studies, it became easier to understand. The autism information was extensive too. It was very well researched. The case studies made it easy to follow. There was detailed information about Down's syndrome, LD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, LPD-language processing disorder. So many terms like concepts of inclusive education, IEP, IDEA, etc which earlier I had absolutely no idea about was made clear through this self-explanatory course material. I had no problem doing assignments too because the course material was complete and thorough.

Mrs Amrapali Kalyanaraman
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Teacher , Global Indian International School, Thailand
Smooth , flexible, informative and useful course. My coordinator Ms Bidisha was very helpful throughout the course. Her guidance and suggestions, feedback in writing assignments was very informative.

Sharon Jebiwott
Certificate in in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
U.A.E, Abudhabi
My experience was very enriching. I am very glad to have completed the course successfully. The course was broad,intense, well planned and very engaging which made everything easy to understand.I also enjoyed watching the educational videos on the platform.The co-odinator responded to questions very fast thus enabling me to study effectively and have a smooth course study.

Jeeja R
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Yes, GHSS Peringome, Kannur
India, Kerala, Kollan
Wonderful learning happened within a limited time which gave me ab insight into the needs of different learners.

Laxmi Sivaraman
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
I work with ngos that support child welfare institutions and trains teachers in rural Maharashtra
Thane, Maharashtra, India
A brilliant experience and now I know of how best I can support a child in the classroom with all the needful support needed. I could feel that I was not sufficient or my knowledge was not sufficient to support the child in the classroom with all the needed aids and support. I totally loved the way the coordinator supported me with all the assistance and motivation that I needed and was extremely fast to respond to mails and evaluated and gave me great feedback too.

Chetana Kookani
Certificate in Special Education (Learning Disabilities, ADHD & Autism)
Kohinoor international school, Kurla
Amazing experience. Supportive cordinators. Wonderful journey . I am really glad to complete this course from Asian college of teachers.

Reuben Richards
Certificate in in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Not yet
India, Hyderabad
It was very fun and also very informative. I got to learn a lot about the special children and how they think and learn. I am really looking forward to teaching them and learning along the way.

Tata Saujanya
Post Graduate Diploma in Autism
Yes. Nayi Disha, Hyderabad
Bengaluru, India
The course was helpful and crisp to understand and apply on a real time basis. The content of the course was very interesting. Assignments gave me the scope to find more information in the area of Autism. The course has been designed in such a way that even professionals can complete it alongside their jobs. The evaluators were available at any point of time and provided their inputs. The course instilled confidence in me to work with children with autism. It also helped me to counsel the parents of autistic children about their symptoms and interventions in a simple yet effective manner.

Anushka Shinde
Diploma in Learning Disabilities
As a pre-school teacher at CASA MONTESSORI, MARINE DRIVE, MUMBAI - 400020.
I came to know about the course through my friend. I decided to apply for a diploma in L.D. The course helped me understand the content in depth. I had fun being a part of it. The online workshops were very resourceful. I will look into other courses too. Will get back soon. Thank you .