Asian College of Teachers Alumni

Arina Pinto
Post Graduate Diploma in Learning Disabilities
I am a teacher but currently, I am not teaching.
Beautiful learning experience as I walked through the life of children with learning disorders. I want to do all I can to reach out and spread the word that Special Children are indeed special! Love them as they are. unearth the potential within to bring joy to them and self.

Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
I believe that every single one us is learning all the time. It’s really being a learner that makes us human, but learning can be so much more than that. I think that learning makes each and every one of us fully human. Thank You so much My beloved ACT.

Karishma Gilani
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
The course content has changed my perspective towards special needs children. I am eager to go out and help them.

Padmapriya Ranganath
Post Graduate Diploma in Learning Disabilities
Special educator, self
Bangalore, India
Doing the course has been helpful in gaining relevant knowledge. Being an online course it has also helped in improving planning for self paced work. Videos and case presentations would have been more helpful. Overall good experience

Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Yes, Gems Winchester School, Fujairah- UAE
India, Calicut
My experience at ACT was good and useful for me as I gained knowledge about different aspects of special needs students. I would definitely use the knowledge gained in my work place.

Adrian Khoo
Diploma in Autism
Wings Melaka Early Intervention Centre
My experience in this course opens my mind and even gave me information I never knew. This course drives me to learn and understand more about autism. It helps me a lot in my work and I feel motivated to get deeper in this line of work. The information I got from this course is very helpful.

Audrey Paiva
Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Yes St John Vianney School Lucknow
India Lucknow
Excellent course and very good institute .It was really very helpful and supportive .I am glad to complete the course and have gained the knowledge regarding special education. It has helped in learning more in general about students .I am looking forward to grow in my teaching career after completing this course .

Tiala Abigail Theyagaraj
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
India, Mokokchung
This course has given me a better understanding of different special needs students and how to support them.

Rajpriya Das
Post Graduate Diploma in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
India, Kolkata
It was a great experience in terms of all the knowledge and skills learnt. The assignments in particular is what I liked because they were very elaborate which required me to constantly go back to the pedagogy and that helped further in refining the concepts and ideas. i also loved to learn more about the strategies of support which helped me deal better with kids. The research assignment was also great.

Atteqa Mateen
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
UAE, Sharjah
In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn. I personally believe the above quote. Education is the best profession and it trains the mind to think critically and logically. Be humble, be teachable, be acceptable, be patience, and always keep learning.

Aparna Rao
Post Graduate Diploma in Special Education (ADHD, Autism and Learning Disabilities)
Presently No. Was working up to 6 months back as a teacher. Currently on a break.
India, Navi Mumbai
The Course was very informative and I got to learn how to work with special needs children. This course is very necessary to be able to perform as a good teacher in today's inclusive classrooms.

Katrina Trinidad Acupanda
Certificate in Special Education (Learning Disabilities, ADHD & Autism)
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
The staff is very accommodating and efficient. It was a breeze to enroll. The course material is informative and immersive. I had fun learning and studying. There was a lot in the material that opened my eyes and deepened my understanding. The language in the readings is simple and direct. And I felt like I was conversing with friends here in ACT. Amazing experience. Thank you!