Asian College of Teachers Alumni

Sharon Jane Nicodemus
Advanced Diploma in International TESOL Program
I am a freelance trainer from Hyderabad
India and Hyderabad
This course has helped me in enhancing my skills and understanding the audience and learning about methodologies helped in presenting the content in sessions. This course is very beneficial for trainers. A trainer can use the activities in the classroom. How to analyze the audience and prepare the presentation in accordance with the audience.

Saraniya Perumal
Post Graduate Diploma in International TESOL Program
It was good, could have had more interaction for the students who is doing it online. At least once a month assistance or guidance in the modules. Also video tutorials would have been better. Engagement of students should not be limited to the in class students but also online students. Just to make sure they are on track and if any assistance is needed.

Deepak Kundnani
Certificate in International TESOL Program
Mumbai, India
The course was structured well considering the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Was able to efficiently manage my personal work and class work to complete the course. Assignments and multiple choice questions were easily understandable for not having being in class and having face to face time with teachers.

Surya Vinod
Post Graduate Diploma in International TESOL Program
India, Chennai
The course was very much informative and useful for teachers. Each module helped me to think in a different way and understand the students better. Assignments given were helping me to perceive the module well and helping me to work on creating ideas.

Mritticka Baidya
Advanced Diploma in International TESOL Program
India, Kolkata
ACT has given me really useful and effective ideas about teaching, something I was completely unaware of before. The lesson plans at the end of the texts have given me ideas about how to approach a class in real life situations. The course content is very organized and informative. It encompasses almost everything an ESL teacher should be aware of. The videos are also very useful. The trainers are vastly knowledgeable and competent. I hope to use this knowledge to be able to be a good teacher soon.

S Radhika Krishnan
Certificate in International TESOL Program
Not currently
Enriching and fulfilling experience. Learnt a lot about how to incorporate newly inculcated skills in a classroom especially in an ESL class. MCQ and assignments which followed the course content deepened the knowledge of the course and the assignments were really upto the mark to help to analyze what I learnt and to assess myself.

Dr T.Keerthi
Business English Teacher Training
Self employed
India and Hyderabad
Being a Doctor,I dived into the untested waters of a TEFL/TESOL certification. Business English teacher training is definitely an uncharted territory for me.But the entire journey has been worthwhile. The material (though did not meet 'my' expectations) was good. The course was well structured and enough time was given to do the assignments. The assignments also were well designed i.e the MCQs and essays helped to assess my knowledge throughly. I received timely feedback regarding my completed assignment. Last but not the least, a special shout out to Mandira,who was 'always ' there to help/guide .She made the entire journey so worthwhile.Finally , now that I have completed the course, I am confident of taking the plunge into the ocean of Business English.

Jaytika Arora
Certificate in International TESOL Program
India, Amritsar
The entire has been very helpful and has taken me through the details and the right way of teaching. I have come to know about various techniques that will be very useful. Apart from that the , I have also been able to dive deep into the responsibilities a teacher should possess. The knowledge that I have gained is invaluable but this could not have been possible without the support and guidance of the teachers. The zoom sessions were very detailed and clarified all the queries. There were no questions which were unanswered. The course is totally worth and I would definitely recommend others to take up this knowledge from the best - Asian College of Teachers.

Unnati Bavle
Diploma in International TESOL Program
YES, I am working as a school counselor,Eminence Private School.Fujairah,UAE.
It was wonderful experience ,this course was very accommodating and helpful in gaining knowledge . My thoughts about teaching techniques are more broaden. Happy to recommend the course for every one.Its been a wonderful journey.

Pooja Kudva
Diploma in International TESOL Program
I am currently not working as a teacher/trainer.
India - Bangalore
I was in high spirits when I started out this course. At by the end of it, it has only gone higher! I never thought I would be able to achieve a diploma in my 30s - something that has always held me back ever since my bachelor's graduation. But with the amazing guidance of Ms Annie, patience of the hosts who conducted the online sessions & the spark of Mr Shounak only kept me going toward the finish line. Now I know what it feels like when one grabs that second chance in life & makes complete use of it whole-heartedly & with passion. Feeling enriched & enlightened.

Sri Rajarajeswari T
Certificate in International TESOL Program
I am working as a trainer in the organization (Intensive english training resource) Salem,Tamilnadu, India
I have learnt a lot from TFEL course, like how to handle the students and also how to train them by using teaching aids and also learnt the activities where I can engage the students in the classroom.

Mahavidya Sudhakar
Diploma in International TESOL Program
India, Delhi
In the beginning, I was confused about the course and made many calls to clear my doubts. Later I got an idea about how the course works. I was under the impression that I would be given a tutor and I will be able to talk to him/her. But then I realised that we have to clarify all our doubts by generating tickets. Sometimes, it is not possible to write long emails regarding doubts and I would wish that it would have been nice if I could talk to a tutor personally, but they said it was not possible. Then I started browsing the net and gathered information because Business English was a little tough for me. But then my husband also helped me in understanding certain terms in the course content. Annie ma'am was very kind to solve all my queries and she replied to all my mails promptly. Overall I am happy that I had gained knowledge about something that I was totally unaware of (Business English). My husband was surprised when I used these Business Terms in front of him and that made me proud and confident.