Asian College of Teachers Alumni

Advanced Diploma in International TESOL Program
It was a good insightful course. I acquired a teacher's mindset which when I'm teaching my kid has certainly improved a lot of things in the way he understands different concepts. This certainly gives me a boost that I'm on the right path in becoming a good teacher / trainer in the near future.

Advanced Diploma in International TESOL Program
At present, I am not working as a teacher or trainer.
Ahmedabad, India
My experience of learning and completing a Diploma course at Asain College of Teachers was really good. It taught me that Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field. Learning is something that never exhausts the mind.

Mohanjit kaur
Business English Teacher Training
The content was very helpful. Would have been better if it was in more simpler language. It was not a tough language, but just felt unnecessarily dragged to fill sheets. Overall, I have a better understanding of the teachers qualities and that is extremely helpful.

Darshana G P
Young Learners Teacher Training
India- Coimbatore
Asian college of Teachers gives a course pursuing options which any aspirant can pursue and enter into the field of education. Our country needs more passionate teachers to work towards themselves and educate the youth population. I feel proud to be a small part of ACT.

Tanushree Saha
Business English Teacher Training
India and Kolkata
A mind that is stretched by a new experience is the result of a moment's insight. The study material helped me to learn a lot of the new things in the domain of Business English that I might have overlooked while practically working in an intercultural work environment. This course has aided me with the knowledge that I would like to apply to my future jobs.

Gayathri GK
Business English Teacher Training
Course helped me to get to know about different things. Helped me learn about a new aspect which is Business English which I do not have much idea about. So much information which can be used for teaching business English came from the course..........

Twinkle Ravindran
Certificate in International TESOL Program
I am working with an orphanage called Sai Kripa run by Anjina Rajagopal based in Sector 12, Noida, UP. They are running a non-formal education center called Sai Bal Sansar under their banner for the children leading life below poverty line along with Balkutir a home for orphaned/abandoned children. I teach kids at the orphanage and also train teachers to help the children enter mainstream education.
India, New Delhi
My overall experience with Asian College Teachers and the course was amazing. I was amazed by the way the trainer introduced various concepts and made it interesting at the same time. Due to pandemic the learning happened in a virtual environment and the trainer made it engaging enough for our batch. I never felt as if the virtual learning environment was a hindrance when it came to learning. Always looked forward to the classes and the instructions given by the trainer triggered the hunger for learning, I also learned the way of implementing what was taught in the classroom. Every session was new and brought a fresh dose of insight in the topics. I am really grateful to the Asian College of Teachers and the hard work they put in conducting such detailed learning experience.

Nandhini A
Certificate in International TESOL Program
Not yet
India, Chennai
It's definitely worth a try! The way I looked at teaching has tremendously changed since I took up the course. I am able to rate students better and have a broader perspective now. I have always been patient with students but now it has given me strength to be calm whenever required.

Kausar Jan
Young Learners Teacher Training
No, I'm currently searching for a job
Before I joined ACT and even after taking it I was in a dilemma if I'm wrong in any way. But trust me this course and ACT team are so helpful that you will come to know new and innovative characters of yourself. ACT is always at its best.

Denaha Eliz George
Diploma in International TESOL Program
India, Punalur
I loved how the self leaning helped enhance our teaching methods. It helped me be confident in myself. The micro lesson was the most useful part. It helped me improve my teaching methods as well as language.

Farah Nafees
Post Graduate Diploma in International TESOL Program
Modern School Shipra Path Mansarovar Jaipur Rajasthan
India, Jaipur
The overall experience was enriching, The course is helpful for English teachers as it makes us aware about the new techniques of teaching in schools. I have learnt an array of different styles and techniques of teaching. As they say 'Education gives us wings to fly'.

Deepika M
Young Learners Teacher Training
Overall the experience was great, evaluation helped to identify where to work on. The course gave full understanding about how to handle young learners, what you have done, how to design a kid friendly lesson plan.